
Friends Meeting Sept 21 2022 w

At the September 21, 2022 Friends of Chandor Gardens meeting the results from the "Friends of Chandor Gardens Membership Satisfaction Survey" was presented to the 34 members in attendance at Chandor Gardens. 

A total of 44 Friends of Chandor Gardens members completed the 20 question online survey in early September. 

The survey showed that 83% of those who reponded where "Satisfied" or "Very Satisfied" with membership in the organization.

Here are a few of the responses to a couple of the questions from the survey:

What is it about the Friends of Chandor Gardens that initially inspired you to become a member?:
- It was a way that I could show my support for Chandon Gardens.
- The chance to meet new friends; and the chance to spend time in a beautiful garden.
- My love for the Gardens and it's rich history.
- Chandor Gardens is an important place in Parker County. It needs Friends to support it.
- Love of the gardens and wanting to meet new people.
- Chandor Gardens is a beautiful treasure and it's a blessing to be a part of an organization that supports it.
- The Chandor property should be preserved and celebrated. The Friends meetings and events help with both of these goals.
- To be a part of a group to help promote the historical, botanical, and artistic accomplishments of Douglas and Ina Chandor.

What do you enjoy most about being a member of Friends of Chandor Gardens?
- The interaction with other members
- Great speakers & fun outings.
- Being able to support and celebrate the gardens and its history.
- Meeting new people and learning the history of the gardens.
- I WANT TO HELP KEEP IT [Chandor Gardens]A VITAL part of our community and its history. 
- Fellowship with like minded friends who also love the gardens
- Supporting local history

To see the full survey results and comments click the link: 
pdfFriends of Chandor Gardens Membership Satisfaction Survey 2022

The meeting was closed with a demonstration regarding "Fall Front Porch Decor" by Gwen Williams on the south porch of the Chandor home. 
gwen sept21meeting 2022 w